Saturday, June 13, 2009


One thing I've yet to get used to: people offering unsolicited advice regarding my pregnancy, and trying to make me feel guilty for what I am or am not doing.

I have a cat. I will do her litter. With my years of dealing with my stray, adopted cats, I am pretty sure that I have already had toxoplasmosis, and already dealt with it. When I go to the doctor, the REAL doctor, and not the clinic, then I can get tested. Until that, I cannot afford to just go and say "test me for toxoplasmosis", because I will also have to pay for all my other tests. I cannot do that. This is why I am applying for Medicaid, because my insurance will not pay for maternity related coverage.

I have done research for my pregnancy, and I know what I am doing. I will ask if I want your input, and there are very few who I would accept unsolicited advice, being my mother, my father, and my doctor. Beyond that, there is more chance of me putting my back up and digging my heels in than in accepting your advice.

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